Introduction: In mid-February 2021, Texas got hit with the coldest winter in 30 years, dropping the temperature from 60F to 0F, leaving 2.8 million people in Texas without power, heat, or water. Below is a story of 2-year-old Izzy’s experience.
“It was 60 degrees this morning! How did it drop to 15 already!?” exclaims Mommy as she pulls another sweater over me.
“We need to conserve gas. We can run the generator for another 30 minutes. Let’s quickly eat,” said Daddy.
We gather around the table, our feet welcoming the space heater’s warm breath.
Mommy points at the flames igniting from the portable gas burner on the dining room table and sternly said, “Hot. No Touch.” She then starts shoveling noodle soup in my mouth as fast as I could swallow. What is the rush!?
Daddy handed Mommy a flashlight and said, “I’m turning off the generator. Let’s gather your stuff and head to the bedroom. Remember, keep the door closed to keep warm.”
“Ion King?…mote mote” I point at the remote, my usual reward for finishing my plate.
“I’m sorry, Izzy, there’s no electricity right now; we can’t watch TV today.”
I look at her, astonish. I am two years old, not dumb.
The lights are on; there is electricity. Before I could protest, a snap echo in the room. Then darkness swallows the living room whole. Suddenly, I can hear the wind crawling through the gaps, whispering in the silence.
I grab Mommy’s legs, yelling, “cared cared!”
“It’s okay, Izzy. Don’t be scare. Mommy is here.” Mommy picks up baby Dora on the swing. Together, we walk carefully down the hallway illuminated by her flashlight.
We turn into the master bathroom. “Izzy, after we brush our teeth, you get to blow out the candles,” she points at the flickering white block on the table.
Ooo, I love blowing out candles.
But first, brush teeth – ugh, flossing is so much more fun (link).
After swallowing the last of the toothpaste in my mouth, I hum “happy birthday to me” and take one final glance at our shadows dancing along the walls. “Pffftt!” The flames dissipate. Nice, all the practice had paid off, blew it out in one shot.
Luckily the flashlight is still on. “Okay, time for bed,” said Mommy as she nurses the baby.
Then it dawns on me. Did she turn off the electricity and heat just to make me go to bed early!? Tricky Tricky. I will not allow it. It is 2 hours before my usual bedtime.
I cannot let them win; else, I will lose precious playtime after dinner forever.
“No!” I yell. Sitting on the floor, I put together the zebra puzzle for the eighth time today.
When I finish the puzzle, I glance over at the parents on the bed, their eyes drooping in the dim light. My gaze moves to the baby in the crib, already asleep – successfully tricked.
I yawn. Oh no! I can’t sleep yet.
I rub my eyes. The dark is overpowering me.
One can only play the same puzzle so many times.
Crawling over Daddy’s limp body, I collapse in between the parents on my pillow. Even after wearing four layers, it feels like it is getting colder with every passing minute.
Just tonight. I will let them win just tonight. I snuggle closer against Mommy’s back, stealing her warmth. In the end, all that matters is that we are together. All of us, in the same room – Daddy, Mommy, Dora, and I.
Note to the Reader:
Having been without hot water, electricity, heat, and hot food at below zero temperatures for 51 hours made me realize a lifestyle change is needed. Climate change is real. Living in the USA, we are spoiled with these cheap essentials leading to overconsumption of our natural resources. This experience was scary, but it was only for two days while our future generations may suffer for the rest of their lives. Studies have predicted we will have limited clear water and clean air by 2050.
I implore you to learn more about climate change and about how we can reverse the impacts as an individual and a civilization. Some actions I will be taking are:
- Taking a shorter shower to use less water
- Installing solar panels or LED lights to use less energy and lower the electricity bill
- Eating less meat (methane gas from animals is ~10% of the greenhouse gas emissions)
- Buying used instead of new products (save more money along the way)
- Donating/volunteering in reforestation efforts
Thank you for reading about this important topic.