I always wondered, we take baths and wash every part of our body, but… why stop at only brushing our teeth? I mean, what about the tongue, back of the throat, and in the ears? Those are pretty essential body parts, and
it is my duty as a two-year-old to teach my parents how to clean correctly.
Mr. Dino T-Rex agreed to help me and proved to be a great brushing partner. Every night, he waits for me at the brushing station with his toothbrush leaning on his short little arms. I made sure Mommy watched as I pushed a button, and he opened his mouth wide open. I brushed the back of his throat, the tongue, the top row of teeth, then the bottom, and finally his chin.
Sometimes he likes to have his toes cleaned too.
All clean! I gave Mommy a wide grin. Now, mommy’s turn as I start grabbing for her toothbrush.