I tiptoed to look for the box of chocolates on the second shelf of the ginormous wall-to-wall bookcase that Daddy built. It seems they had moved it again – just when I could finally reach! Argh. Perhaps pushing the chair next to the wine fridge will get me on the counter – that’s not hard for a toddler like me to climb up; I’ve done it before.
But if I get caught, Mommy will lecture, “you get desserts after dinner” – whoever coined that term must hate sweets.
At long last, I took the last bite of my meal and looked up with a grin. Mommy said, “you’ve been a good girl, do you want…”. She did her usual pause. My eyes glittered with anticipation. It is time. My head turned towards the magical cardboard box full of goodies on the shelf. Mommy walked over and took out two pieces of my favorite chocolate wrapped in gold (Ferrero Rocher), one for each of us.
Mmmm, just the thought of taking a bite of the heavenly concoction is making me drool – literally.
I ferociously sank my semi-new set of teeth into the crispy wafer enveloped by chocolate, penetrating the center where a hazelnut is swimming in a creamy chocolate lake.
“Be careful, don’t choke, eat slowly,” exclaimed Mommy. I glimpsed at her piece of chocolate still wrapped in gold foil in her hand. Is she going to eat that? I’ll happily take it! As if she heard my prayers, she started unwrapping it and gave it to me. Success! Today is another good day.