“Bffttttt” – what is that sound? It just came from behind mommy, who or what is there? Mommy’s cheeks are slowly turning pink; that sound is making her change colors. Cool~~~ how do I do it? Mommy’s eyes started to turn towards my direction. Should I act like nothing is happening? Out of habit, I do my usual stare into space as a 2-month-old and cooed; she always likes that. “Aww, you still love me,” she whispered and then kissed me on the forehead. After a few weeks, I learned that this sound is called a “fart” or a “toot.”
It is a ball of air released from the lower body, in addition to the noise, one can actually feel a little ripple on the butt cheeks.
However, I have such limited control of my new found body that it often gets trapped and I would wail in pain. Daddy is my designated “gas reliever.” He’ll lay me on my back multiple times a day and push my legs up and down as if I am an accordion, singing, “it’s time to do the bicycle.” Every time I let out a toot, he’ll say “good job” and kisses me.
Toots = Kisses.
I like it. But I want to do it myself, I want to “own it,” you know what I mean?
One time, my tummy was rumbling again. Mommy was holding me in her arms. This is my opportunity to prove to her I can do it myself! I looked into her eyes, deep into her soul, and tried to push, really hard. The familiar sound discharged from my lower body, success! If only I can see myself, I wonder if my cheeks are pink. Wait, what’s that smell?
My butt is damp and sticky. Did I push too hard?
“Good job!” exclaimed mommy as she excitedly puts me on the changing pad.