Welcome to the beginner class for babies under three months old. All the positions will require you to lay on your back. Alternatively, you can also take the intermediate exercise program.
Warning: Please take the lesson after a nap but before a feeding. Otherwise, expect to change your outfit due to spit up.
Let’s get started!
To warm up, let’s start with a BIG stretch while laying on your back.
Extend those legs, now raise your arms above your head
Let out a loud yelp to alert the caretakers that you are up.
If you can, arch your back – this is a good technique to wiggle out of your caretaker’ss arms.
Okay, relax those muscles.
Kick your legs as fast as you can as if you are running a marathon in the air, work those glutes! This is good practice for rib kicking.
Add some momentum by flailing your arms.
Remember, you are working for an appetite, so cry for your milk! Wahh!
Let’s do that a few more reps. 3. 2. 1.
Okay, stop. Take a break. Let the environment sink in.
Turn your head to the left.
Now turn to your right.
Keep turning your head faster.
Remember, if you do this daily, the bald patch on the back of your head is your badge of success and endurance. So keep going faster!
Are the caretakers still not here yet?
Let out a loud, ear-piercing scream. Exercise your lungs!
Very good, babies! At this point, you should be panting, exhausted from crying, and very hungry.
Thank you for joining Dora’s 5 Min Full Body Exercise Program.
We hope to see you in 2 hours to continue staying AAA certified – an admirable, adorable, and advanced baby. In the meantime, remember to stay hydrated with enriched protein milk.